Indigenous Peoples in Isolation in the Peruvian Amazon: Their struggle for survival and freedom

Publisher: IWGIA
Author: Beatriz Huertas Castillo
Number of pages: 248
ISBN number: 87-90730-77-1
Publication language: English
Country publication is about: Peru, Perú
Region publication is about: Latin America, América Latina
Financially supported by: The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Release year: 2004
Release Month | Day: jun-04

Tags: Human rights

This book offers a historical and anthropological perspective from which to understand the fragility of isolated indigenous groups in the face of contact with outside society. It helps us appreciate the importance, in terms of cultural and biological diversity, of safeguarding their territories for both their future and that of the human race. Drawing on scientific and legal principles, international agreements, and primarily from the perspective of human rights, Beatriz Huertas Castillo presents solid arguments concerning the urgent need for national and international efforts to defend the territories, cultural integrity and life ways of isolated indigenous peoples. She proposes strategic alliances between local communities, indigenous federations, the Peruvian government and international players in order to put a halt to the current "mahogany fever" in Madre de Dios that is destroying some of the last refuges of tropical hardwoods and the last strongholds of isolated indigenous peoples in Peru, and indeed the world. The book is translated from Spanish by Elaine Bolton.

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